TheUniversalCodeOf CivilizedExistence

Thursday, May 24, 2012

 My blog’s objective is to offer quick fixes to ongoing problems plaguing the world and unsolicited advice on how to attain that evasive true proof of worldly success – Ongoing Happiness. 

Time we all realized – it’s the Message not the Messenger

All Classical Occidental Faiths and all Oriental Spiritual  followings profess the same principles of Civilized Existence – Love, Compassion and Justice.
The problem is that the faithful followers tend to  ignore the Message and rush in to kill and die as proof of their worship of the Messenger.

Legislation should be enforced restricting all persons, running for Public Office, to promoting their Platforms. Personal attacks – verboten!

In an environment of Love Compassion & Justice may you enjoy Good Health, Ongoing Happiness and Gratifying Prosperity.

May this be the year wherein World Peace reigns, Spiritual Values dominate and we see Love, Compassion & Justice prevail.

You're really in love when the woman you embrace in your dreams is your wife.

What?! You haven't read my book, yet! A Guaranteed Formula For Happiness by Author House guides to A State Of Grace - Ongoing Happiness.

Emulating the Creator in the cultivation of our most precious attribute, our creative talent, ensures contentment and a happy existence.

Don't be reconciled to the contention that happiness is an unending pursuit. Read my book and enjoy "Ongoing Happiness" EveryDayOfYourLife.

Personal Unblemished Dignity coupled with Untarnished Integrity are the requirements for "OngoingHappiness". Trust me - I know - I'm there!

The Democracies of the World should leave the UN and establish the "United Democratic Nations Of The World". Standards will be set and membership granted to those of merit who wish to leave the UN and join
the UDNOTW - the for attaining a civilized mode of existence.

The United Nations primary concern, in the Political Arena, should be to provide emerging nations with "Temporary Equitable Governance".

Palestinians and Israelis are both victims of the Middle East Despots who, decree eradication of Democracy precedes Palestinian independence – all to serve their intent of perpetuating their regimes, finance Terrorism!

President Obama has yet to decide whether he wishes to go down in History as an "Enlightened & Inspired Leader" or a "Tottering Compromiser"!

After all the Arab/Israeli Wars -   the the Muslim Nations, the Palestinians and the United Nations had always called for "Ceasefires" - never "Peace Talks". Now the UN and all the vanquished in those conflicts are are calling for Peace Talks but, insist on impossible acceptance of unjustified and unjustified preconditions,

Palestinians and Israelis are both victims of the Middle East Despots who, intent on perpetuating their regimes, finance Fundamentalism in the Mosque & Madras and World Terrorism aimed at installing Sharia as World Order.

We have wasted billions on combating drugs - to no avail! Time to legalize & tax to heal drug users.

All Classical Faiths & Spiritual Affiliations embrace principles of Love, Compassion & Justice. Problem - they push Messenger not message

PoorShmoAverageJoeAmerican, with a few dollars in bank, sees himself as Capitalist and fears Communists and "SocialistObama" out to take it all away!

Adam & Eve, eating from the TreeOfKnowledge, gave us all a mind of our own enabling us to create our own heaven or hell. Tough choice?!

Successful intimate relationships require 2 washrooms, 2TV sets and 2 computers.

Always remember that the essence of existence is LIFE not DEATH. History has ample proof that Cultures, respectful of Life, always prevail.

Faced with genetic frailties, need to "find" oneself, make a living & nature's calamities - where-from the time & energy for war? LOVE!LOVE!

Checked with Him and found out - inscribed in Book of Life to live till 100 and feel like 20!

You're really in love when the woman you're romancing in your dreams is your wife.

Ongoing Happiness, a true state of grace, is attainable. See my ""A Guaranteed Formula For Happiness" - Author House.

While the planet may be whirling toward self-destruct - you can go on creating your own heavenly existence, here on earth.

 Democracies of the world - unite
It is taking a long while but the Nations of the World are finally awakening to the fact that what they are witnessing is not a War of the Races but, rather, a conflict between two distinct political cultures Despotic-Autocracy and Democracy. Despots provide financing and training of terrorists with the understanding that they will direct their venom towards their chosen scapegoats - the Israelis who spearheaded the dangerous concept of democracy in the Middle East and the Americans who serve as the epitome of the freedoms and quality of life afforded by thriving democracies. It must be obvious, by now, that it is not hatred of Christians or Jews that fuels the flames of terrorism. Despotic leaders decree hatred as a political weapon to offset the thing they fear most - encroaching Democracy. It is they, who abet and finance terrorism as a tool to protect their vested interests. Regretfully, their downtrodden, exploited and intimidated subjects, in trying to rid themselves of their Despots' shackles, are unaware of the dangers lurking from the fundamentalists intent on re-enslaving them by instilling Sharia law.