TheUniversalCodeOf CivilizedExistence

Thursday, May 19, 2016


It's apparent that neither the Israeli's nor the Palestinians have the wherewithal to resolve the Middle East crisis. They would do well to consider the following proposal. The truly indigenous population of the greater Holy Land (East and West banks of the Jordan) are the Israelis and the Palestinians.  
    The Hashemites are a minority in the area. It, therefore, behooves Jordan's King Abdullah to make the painful sacrifice in behalf of the peace and prosperity of the Cradle of Civilization.
    The world would encourage, support and aid in the financing of the establishment of the Confederation of the Greater Holy Land (no relinquishing of sovereignty) consisting of a sovereign Israel with Jerusalem as its capital (in its pre '67 boundaries), sovereign Palestine with Amman as its capital (in the present Jordanian boundaries) and the Territories (in their present boundaries) with the population as presently composed enjoying confederation citizenship and embracing whichever cultural, religious or political adherence they deem fit. 
    The world will readily applaud reason emanating from the Holy Land and peace being heralded from Jerusalem and Amman.

4/98 An open letter to King Abdullah of Jordan:   
    You are an intelligent and progressive ruler. You are proving a worthy heir to an illustrious father. You, as your father before you, show great compassion and concern for the Palestinians and the Israelis. The Palestinians are now a majority of the populace of your kingdom. You can, if you wish, resolve the Israeli/Palestine conflict and with one bold stroke also enhance the prospects for the peace and prosperity of the entire Middle East It behooves you to make a noble gesture that would have you go down in history as a great benefactor of mankind.
    You should undertake to proclaim the Establishment of the Confederation of the Greater Holy Land aimed at ensuring the aspired for peace of the Cradle of Civilization. The world would encourage, support and aid in the financing of the establishment of the Confederation of the Greater Holy Land (no relinquishing of sovereignty) consisting of the sovereign Democratic Kingdom of Palestine with Amman as its capital (in the present Jordanian boundaries) a sovereign Israel with Jerusalem as its capital (in its pre '67 boundaries), and the Territories (in their present boundaries) with the population as presently composed enjoying confederation citizenship and embracing whichever cultural, religious or political adherence they deem fit.
    The world will readily applaud reason emanating from the Holy Land and peace being heralded from Jerusalem and Amman.         

             Western Jurisprudence is based on the Christian precept of Original sin - all sinners must offer penitence and seek forgiveness.  
    The legal system presumes that since we are all sinners, we should be particularly understanding of human frailty and be open to any plea for compassion - however vicious the crime.
    Western justice, while admittedly compassionate, tends to undermine the principle of personal responsibility, dignity and integrity.  
    Embracing the precept, of human frailty, results in the undermining of individual responsibility. Most criminals, under the existing justice system, rush in to blame everyone and every social institution for their shortcomings and/or inadequacies. The justice systems continue viewing every act, however prejudicial to one's own or another's well being, as acceptable within the human-frailty realm.  
    Regretfully, some persons are truly evil e.g. Leaders who decree genocide,  those who would abuse and murder helpless children and those who would rape and murder their victims.  
    All faiths and cultures have promulgated the principle of "personal responsibility" as the basis for moral and judicial consideration. It is, by far, a more compelling base for dispersal of justice than the "sinner principle".  
    Society should consider introducing a law that provides that all persons over the age of16 (adults) are called upon to accept responsibility for all their actions and will be held and prosecuted for any action that is detrimental to the general public's interest and/or another individual's well being.  
    The individual's freedoms to experiment, act, emulate, imbibe, devour, snort, indulge, are unlimited and his responsibilities are clearly defined.
    The principles of "adult responsibility" and "no defense" will apply ; each person actions will be viewed by society with the intent of awarding the worthy and punishing the criminal - in accordance with the severity of the crimes committed.  
    If one drinks and drives and causes property damage - the "no defense" principle applies - judged and fined in accordance with severity of damage inflicted.
    If one drinks and drives and inflicts physical impairment or death upon one's fellowman - judged in accordance with the severity of the crime.
    If one freely partakes of drugs and inflicts property damage, or bodily harm - no defense and judged in accordance with the severity of the crime.
    If one maims or murders because of perceived injustices, when the courts of justice are readily accessible - no defense and judged accordingly.  
    A society, undoubtedly, undermines the sense of responsibility of the individual by accepting a defense "of being under the influence of" liquor, tobacco and drugs or the leadership of religious, spiritual and/or witches/devils.
    A society provides a heightened sense of pride, dignity and integrity and a true appreciation of individual freedoms when it declares that all persons are free to promote or espouse all philosophies of life and partake of all substances, natural or chemical, subject to their acceptance of total responsibility for their actions and the resulting consequences. 5/98         

      Quikfix No. 3  The Drug Solution

    We are all aware of how drug-monies are negatively effecting the governmental bodies in many of the countries of the world. We are also aware that many of the political, judicial and police forces are corrupted by the persuasive powers of the huge sum of monies available in the drug-world.  
    The huge resources allocated for combating the drug-forces have been to no avail.  
    A truly democratic society has the means of defeating the virulent drug forces by simply introducing the principles of: 1. Individual adult responsibility 2. Freedom of access to all substances 3. The "No Defense" principle.
    The "Individual Adult Responsibility" principle, in law, recognizes the rights of all adults (16 and over) to all the freedoms society provides with the understanding that each individual accepts responsibility for his actions and the consequences of his actions.  
    The "Freedom to Access to all Substances", in law, will enable all adults (age 16 and over) the freedom to partake of all substances and demand acceptance of responsibility for the excesses indulged. Liquors, tobaccos and drugs are readily available and it is incumbent on an adult to take responsibility for his actions and the resulting consequences.  
    The "No Defense" principle, in law, simply states that defense arguments contending "under the influence" are not acceptable. Each adult individual enjoying the privileges of the freedoms that society provides accepts the responsibility for his actions and the resulting consequences.  
    It is self understood that all addictive substances which, like tobacco and liquor, will be available at the local drugstore, will be taxed in a manner to ensure that monies will be allocated for the remedial services required.  
    Drug-lords will become obsolete, drug-addicts will have facilities readily available for treatment, and the easy access to drugs will be no more enticing, to the average person, than the easy access to tobacco, liquor or legalized pharmaceuticals. 6/98         

Simple solutions to Society's most complex problems.
Quikfix No. 1 3/97 The Middle East Solution
    It's apparent that neither the Israeli's nor the Palestinians have the wherewithal to resolve the Middle East crisis. They would do well to consider the following proposal. The truly indigenous population of the greater Holy Land (East and West banks of the Jordan) are the Israelis and the Palestinians.  
    The Hashemites are a minority in the area. It, therefore, behooves Jordan's King Abdullah to make the painful sacrifice in behalf of the peace and prosperity of the Cradle of Civilization.
    The world would encourage, support and aid in the financing of the establishment of the Confederation of the Greater Holy Land (no relinquishing of sovereignty) consisting of a sovereign Israel with Jerusalem as its capital (in its pre '67 boundaries), sovereign Palestine with Amman as its capital (in the present Jordanian boundaries) and the Territories (in their present boundaries) with the population as presently composed enjoying confederation citizenship and embracing whichever cultural, religious or political adherence they deem fit. 
    The world will readily applaud reason emanating from the Holy Land and peace being heralded from Jerusalem and Amman.
4/98 An open letter to King Abdullah of Jordan:   
    You are an intelligent and progressive ruler. You are proving a worthy heir to an illustrious father. You, as your father before you, show great compassion and concern for the Palestinians and the Israelis. The Palestinians are now a majority of the populace of your kingdom. You can, if you wish, resolve the Israeli/Palestine conflict and with one bold stroke also enhance the prospects for the peace and prosperity of the entire Middle East It behooves you to make a noble gesture that would have you go down in history as a great benefactor of mankind.
    You should undertake to proclaim the Establishment of the Confederation of the Greater Holy Land aimed at ensuring the aspired for peace of the Cradle of Civilization. The world would encourage, support and aid in the financing of the establishment of the Confederation of the Greater Holy Land (no relinquishing of sovereignty) consisting of the sovereign Democratic Kingdom of Palestine with Amman as its capital (in the present Jordanian boundaries) a sovereign Israel with Jerusalem as its capital (in its pre '67 boundaries), and the Territories (in their present boundaries) with the population as presently composed enjoying confederation citizenship and embracing whichever cultural, religious or political adherence they deem fit.
    The world will readily applaud reason emanating from the Holy Land and peace being heralded from Jerusalem and Amman.
It would behoove Egypt, who seeks to aid the Palestinians, to contribute a territorial strip of the rather barren Sinai to Palestine to better improve its viability.    

Quikfix No. 2  Enhancement of Justice

    Western Jurisprudence is based on the Christian precept of Original sin - all sinners must offer penitence and seek forgiveness.  
    The legal system presumes that since we are all sinners, we should be particularly understanding of human frailty and be open to any plea for compassion - however vicious the crime.
    Western justice, while admittedly compassionate, tends to undermine the principle of personal responsibility, dignity and integrity.  
    Embracing the precept, of human frailty, results in the undermining of individual responsibility. Most criminals, under the existing justice system, rush in to blame everyone and every social institution for their shortcomings and/or inadequacies. The justice systems continue viewing every act, however prejudicial to one's own or another's well being, as acceptable within the human-frailty realm.  
    Regretfully, some persons are truly evil e.g. Leaders who decree genocide,  those who would abuse and murder helpless children and those who would rape and murder their victims.  
    All faiths and cultures have promulgated the principle of "personal responsibility" as the basis for moral and judicial consideration. It is, by far, a more compelling base for dispersal of justice than the "sinner principle".  
    Society should consider introducing a law that provides that all persons over the age of16 (adults) are called upon to accept responsibility for all their actions and will be held and prosecuted for any action that is detrimental to the general public's interest and/or another individual's well being.  
    The individual's freedoms to experiment, act, emulate, imbibe, devour, snort, indulge, are unlimited and his responsibilities are clearly defined.
    The principles of "adult responsibility" and "no defense" will apply ; each person actions will be viewed by society with the intent of awarding the worthy and punishing the criminal - in accordance with the severity of the crimes committed.  
    If one drinks and drives and causes property damage - the "no defense" principle applies - judged and fined in accordance with severity of damage inflicted.
    If one drinks and drives and inflicts physical impairment or death upon one's fellowman - judged in accordance with the severity of the crime.
    If one freely partakes of drugs and inflicts property damage, or bodily harm - no defense and judged in accordance with the severity of the crime.
    If one maims or murders because of perceived injustices, when the courts of justice are readily accessible - no defense and judged accordingly.  
    A society, undoubtedly, undermines the sense of responsibility of the individual by accepting a defense "of being under the influence of" liquor, tobacco and drugs or the leadership of religious, spiritual and/or witches/devils.
    A society provides a heightened sense of pride, dignity and integrity and a true appreciation of individual freedoms when it declares that all persons are free to promote or espouse all philosophies of life and partake of all substances, natural or chemical, subject to their acceptance of total responsibility for their actions and the resulting consequences. 5/98         

       Quikfix No. 3  The Drug Solution

    We are all aware of how drug-monies are negatively effecting the governmental bodies in many of the countries of the world. We are also aware that many of the political, judicial and police forces are corrupted by the persuasive powers of the huge sum of monies available in the drug-world.  
    The huge resources allocated for combating the drug-forces have been to no avail.  
    A truly democratic society has the means of defeating the virulent drug forces by simply introducing the principles of: 1. Individual adult responsibility 2. Freedom of access to all substances 3. The "No Defense" principle.
    The "Individual Adult Responsibility" principle, in law, recognizes the rights of all adults (16 and over) to all the freedoms society provides with the understanding that each individual accepts responsibility for his actions and the consequences of his actions.  
    The "Freedom to Access to all Substances", in law, will enable all adults (age 16 and over) the freedom to partake of all substances and demand acceptance of responsibility for the excesses indulged. Liquors, tobaccos and drugs are readily available and it is incumbent on an adult to take responsibility for his actions and the resulting consequences.  
    The "No Defense" principle, in law, simply states that defense arguments contending "under the influence" are not acceptable. Each adult individual enjoying the privileges of the freedoms that society provides accepts the responsibility for his actions and the resulting consequences.  
    It is self understood that all addictive substances which, like tobacco and liquor, will be available at the local drugstore, will be taxed in a manner to ensure that monies will be allocated for the remedial services required.  
    Drug-lords will become obsolete, drug-addicts will have facilities readily available for treatment, and the easy access to drugs will be no more enticing, to the average person, than the easy access to tobacco, liquor or legalized pharmaceuticals. 6/98         


Quikfix No. 4  Enhancement of Public Ethics  

    Freedom of expression is one of the great attributes of a progressive society. Every citizen and every public or governmental body should have the means to compliment, promote, complain or condemn and seek or pursue justice in an acceptable manner.      

    One of the most heinous moral crimes is the denigration of one's fellowman.
    Our society should condemn all those who seek to promote their interests by denigrating others.
    When we encounter public figures, or politicians from public organizations or governmental bodies, intent on promulgating their programs and promoting their own best interest, they should be encouraged.  
    Legislation, restricting all organized public entities interested in promoting their cause to the optimum positive presentation of their platforms, should be formulated. No permission should be given to those bodies to extol the negative qualities of their opponents, or other candidates for office. They may dwell on the negativity of their programs but, never on the negative attributes of the opponents.    
    The proper place for grievances and actions against a person is the law-courts not a public forum.
    When all public bodies are restricted to the promotion of their programs and their platform, the arena becomes a much more serious and interesting forum.  
    The fortunes of political candidates or political and public parties should be determined by the value of their programs and contribution to the public good. Their fortunes should never be determined by their ability to denigrate their competitors.  
    Those who seek to achieve their objective by denigrating public and governmental leadership are undermining: a) the integrity of the offices they represent and diminishing the respect accorded them b) the very safety of the lives of those who engage in public service activities. 7/98         

       Quikfix No. 5  Premarital Agreements
    The advantage of premarital agreements, and their approval by the parties involved, is apparent.
    Presently, the standard premarital agreement is approved by couples who agree that the prevailing complex financial situation requires an orderly and lawful disposition, should the marriage go awry.  
    This submission is presented with the aim of catering to the requirements of all normal loving relationships that lead to marriage. The avowed intention of a loving couple is to fully share their lives and their fortunes willingly and unreservedly.
    The loving combined efforts, of an industrious couple, usually result in the accumulation of assets that serve them well.  
    When divorce proceedings are instituted, by such a "loving couple", the proper distribution of the family assets are determined by the law of the land or through an agreement reached by the opposing legal counsels.  
    It is proposed that to ensure a clear-cut point of departure, under such circumstances, the law provide that, in addition to a marriage license, a premarital agreement be signed. The standard "goodwill" type, of premarital agreement, will simply decree an absolute sharing of all assets. The "particular" decree will detail the pre-approved arrangements.  
    A premarital agreement, by law, will be readily acceptable and may contribute towards a more thoughtful approach to the taking of vows prior to engaging in one of lifes most exciting and gratifying undertakings. 8/98         

             Quikfix No. 7  The Poor and the Homeless 
    Persons in our society whom we call "socially deprived" or "homeless" are growing rather than decreasing in numbers. 
    In our modern day society these people are dependent on our government welfare services and a web of independent private agencies.
    For some this is a very difficult period; hopefully they move on to enjoy a more productive and gratifying existence. There are others, who suffer this demeaning existence for prolonged periods.
    Many, on welfare, find themselves deprived of the ability to escape the throes of deprivation. Their dependency becomes a lifestyle. The resulting humiliation, ofttimes , diminishes that feeling of basic human dignity that is essential in all persons seeking to rid themselves of the yoke of deprivation. 
    There are clear-cut measures that may be taken by a progressive society that guarantee remarkable results.
    The monies presently allocated by the governments, (Federal and Provincial) and all the other community agencies, should be dedicated to the establishment of self-sustaining communities, called "Hope Villages".
    These villages will be established on the outskirts of the Countrys major cities. Shuttle buses will transport interested persons to and from village center. 
    Anyone, in need, may register at the community center, providing basic information relating to health, social security or welfare status (volunteering info re personal health, psychological or family problems) and working knowledge or educational handicaps.     All comers will be provided, with:  a) a sheet explaining the Hope Village honor system guidelines b) accommodation, basic clothing requirements (if required) and toiletries c) a list of all workshop/ study groups and their published schedules & locations d) an appointed "hopeguide" e) temporary delegated work duties  
    These villages are aimed at providing:  a) short or temporary help and accommodation b) food and accommodation, extended periods c) rehabilitative aid for those interested d) medical/psychological/psychiatric aid e) trade and professional guidance and instruction
    These collective type villages will selectively find and provide work for those interested and guide all comers towards independence from village services.
    Working residents will allocate a portion of income to village coffers.  
    The educational and service aspects of these villages will of course enjoy the considerable benefit from the vast accumulation of knowledge of the many branches of governmental and private social and welfare services that will be replaced by these new progressive villages of hope.  
    It is important for the well-being of all adults that they:   1) accept the responsibility for their actions and the resulting consequences  2) hold in high regard the sense of personal dignity that results from constructive and productive activities.   3) recognize that the only "problems" in life are terminal illness and stark poverty.
    Other than those dire inflictions - life is, hopefully, an exciting series of experiences - some good some bad; it is how we handle the good and face the bad that we prove our mettle.  
    Many will perceive the "Village of Hope" to be an emulation of the "collective settlement" mode of life that served the Israeli people well and helped in establishing Israel as one of the most progressive agricultural countries in the world.   The "Village of Hope" will not be a community inspired by idealism and voluntary service. It may, however, be a community that may induce its, hopefully, temporary residents to overcome their immediate difficulties and aspire to a hopeful and constructive future. Copyright © 1998        


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Your path to happiness

f you have embraced a classical Occidental Faith or an Oriental Spiritual Following and have found happiness - ignore all that follows.
If you are still seeking that, aspired to, evasive goal - read my book "A Guaranteed Formula For Happiness" or continue following my future contributions on the subject.
My approach to Happiness is based on my contention that the prolonged Amoeba to Homo Erectus physical and physiological evolutionary process was followed by a much speedier Homo Sapiens Mental evolution.
From Amoeba to a relatively Human-like being took eons. The mental capacity of man and the emergence of a relatively civilized Human Being took but a few millennia and resulted in the development of what I call “The Universal Code Of Civilized Existence” (TUCOCE™).
TUCOCE developed at the same time, in different formats, in both the Occidental and Oriental Worlds.
Mother/Father Nature is the Great Creator and we, the Human Species, are its greatest creation. Nature thrived thanks to special balance afforded the Planet Earth implanted within the wonderful Solar System, which may, truly, be the only system in the Universe providing the splendorous conditions for the thriving of life.
We, as individuals, have been given the magical gift of life and endowed with the genetic and the creative attributes that predispose us to enjoy the marvel of life to the fullest.
We, luckily, born into this era which is the most amazing and wonderful of all periods in History, are obligated to cultivate our marvelous and bountiful planet and exploit the opportunities provided by exceptional quality of life abounding in flourishing Arts, crafts and Sciences. Failing to do so - we fail ourselves and prove ourselves unworthy of the miracles offered by the Natural Evolutionary Spiritual Process.
NESP™ (Natural Evolutionary Spiritual Process), our hypothesis, is intent on emphasizing the need to recognize that our Spiritual Component, enhanced to its highest level, is Nature’s greatest endowment and our (HSOB™) Highest State of Being.
In simple terms we, at our Spiritual Best, are the Highest Revelation Of Creation (HROC™) and The Universal Code of Civilized Existence (TUCOCE™) is the conglomeration of all Constructive, Loving, Compassionate & Justice Empowering Human Experience throughout the millennia.
N.B. It was the Philosopher Spinoza that first stipulated that the World and God were one. He promoted Pantheism. I am promoting TUCOCE contending that we humans are HROC - the Highest Revelation of Mother Nature's Creation and by embracing and practicing TUCOCE - the Universal Code Of Civilized Existence we, in fact, can attain Ongoing Happiness and become "Godly" in all His accepted positive traits.

f you have embraced a classical Occidental Faith or an Oriental Spiritual Following and have found happiness - ignore all that follows.
If you are still seeking that, aspired to, evasive goal - read my book "A Guaranteed Formula For Happiness" or continue following my future contributions on the subject.
My approach to Happiness is based on my contention that the prolonged Amoeba to Homo Erectus physical and physiological evolutionary process was followed by a much speedier Homo Sapiens Mental evolution.
From Amoeba to a relatively Human-like being took eons. The mental capacity of man and the emergence of a relatively civilized Human Being took but a few millennia and resulted in the development of what I call “The Universal Code Of Civilized Existence” (TUCOCE™).
TUCOCE developed at the same time, in different formats, in both the Occidental and Oriental Worlds.
Mother/Father Nature is the Great Creator and we, the Human Species, are its greatest creation. Nature thrived thanks to special balance afforded the Planet Earth implanted within the wonderful Solar System, which may, truly, be the only system in the Universe providing the splendorous conditions for the thriving of life.
We, as individuals, have been given the magical gift of life and endowed with the genetic and the creative attributes that predispose us to enjoy the marvel of life to the fullest.
We, luckily, born into this era which is the most amazing and wonderful of all periods in History, are obligated to cultivate our marvelous and bountiful planet and exploit the opportunities provided by exceptional quality of life abounding in flourishing Arts, crafts and Sciences. Failing to do so - we fail ourselves and prove ourselves unworthy of the miracles offered by the Natural Evolutionary Spiritual Process.
NESP™ (Natural Evolutionary Spiritual Process), our hypothesis, is intent on emphasizing the need to recognize that our Spiritual Component, enhanced to its highest level, is Nature’s greatest endowment and our (HSOB™) Highest State of Being.
In simple terms we, at our Spiritual Best, are the Highest Revelation Of Creation (HROC™) and The Universal Code of Civilized Existence (TUCOCE™) is the conglomeration of all Constructive, Loving, Compassionate & Justice Empowering Human Experience throughout the millennia.
N.B. It was the Philosopher Spinoza that first stipulated that the World and God were one. He promoted Pantheism. I am promoting TUCOCE contending that we humans are HROC - the Highest Revelation of Mother Nature's Creation and by embracing and practicing TUCOCE - the Universal Code Of Civilized Existence we, in fact, can attain Ongoing Happiness and become "Godly" in all His accepted positive traits.